So I watched this absolutely amazing movie and I completely fell in love with it. It is called "Eat Pray Love" staring Julia Roberts, which is the film adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert's correspondent novel. It is about a woman who gets divorced and then decides to go on a trip in order to find herself. And to me it is just amazing to see someone find the courage to make all these decisions and just do it and definitely something I aspire for myself.

It is strange but somehow it seems that sometimes we choose to read books or watch the right movies at the exact right time in out lives when we need answers or advise, so that we can learn and prosper. So that we have guidance and are not afraid of change. I have to say that every time I seem to be lost I end up reading one of Paulo Coelho's books because it seems to answer all my questions and help me eliminate my doubts.
But to get back to the actual movie, I can just say that everyone should watch it and it definitely made me want to read the books to see what will happen next! And it definitely reminds me to pay attention to details because normally it feels like I walk around blind-sided, without caring for anything. Today however, I decided to take a closer look at the squirrels who live in a huge tree outside my bedroom window and saw how they are playing and chasing each other, jumping over fences and climbing up and down and there was so much beauty in this sight. And after I dispersed some walnuts outside I was watching how one of the squirrels chased away a hungry pigeon, which was hilarious and on a normal day I never would have noticed it to begin with!
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